Our combustion devices and power balance codes are industry recognized physics and empirical based models, used successfully in many national and commercial programs. Heritage of these codes stem from decades of development under USG and IR&D programs. We have integrated our codes with state-of-the-art DoD or commercial codes for comprehensive systems analysis.

Combustion Devices
» DROPMIX (mixing performance)
» PcDER (vaporization performance)
» TDK (multi-zone TCA performance)
» HiFi (high frequency instability)
» Chug (low frequency instability)
» REGEN (regen cooled chamber/nozzle)
» GFSSP (fluids transient analysis)
» Rocket Propellant Pumps (pump
    geometry and efficiency)
» Hot Gas and Hydraulic Turbines (turbine
    geometry and efficiency)
» Coupled Rocket Pumps/Turbines
Engine Balance
» Pressure Fed
» GG Cycles
» Expander Cycles
» Full FLow Cycles

» Staged Combustion Cycles

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