Historically, space transportation programs have used test-fail-fix development methodology to achieve technical goals. Lack of resources in the recent years demands a more methodic approach towards the analysis, design, and development of systems. Furthermore, poorly directed M&S adds risk to the development cycle by potentially leading the design towards a non-optimum regime.

Our approach is to balance the M&S with historical data thereby establishing a credible foundation for the point design, thus minimize development risk.

This approach has been successfully implemented and validated for many government and commercial programs where designs demonstrated first time success. We use design of experiment techniques to minimize number of tests in order to minimize development costs.

We have revolutionized LRE development testing with rapid turn-around using our Artificial Inelegance (AI) powered post processing software which enables us to safely and responsibly perform up to 5 tests a day of 40K-lb class TCA and/or engines. The AI powered engine not only tracks system pressures and transients, it performs real-time FFT to identify dynamic events and respective modes. This capability has been demonstrated for AFRL and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company.

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